Training Courses
Training Courses
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Chugh organizes an annual cardiology conference called Radial Live (, where the leading interventional cardiologists from the world over gather to teach and discuss innovations.
Dr Chugh is well known globally for his work in Transradial Interventions and has taught at leading international and national meetings.
Invited Faculty Talks
- Invited lecture : SCAI on demand( 29th April, 2021) and extended Webinar(18th June 2021). Topic: `Alternate forearm access: distal and ulnar artery access: the future or a niche?
- India Live 28Feb 2020. Distal transradial access for coronary angiography and interventions.
- TCT,2019: Invited lecture. Debate (in favor of) Topic: Transradial is superior to transfemoral for primary PCI. Won by 76:24 votes in audience poll.
- TCT India,2019: Distal transradial interventions.
- Cardiological Society of India, 2019: Transradial DK Crush for bifurcation lesions.
- India Live 2nd March 2019. Topic: Ultrasound guided punctures
- Cardiological Society of India,22nd Nov, 2018:
Cath lab practicals. Topic :Radial Access:Tips and Tricks. - TCT 2018: Invited lecture: Distal versus standard radial. DATA Study.
- Transradial Masterclass UK, 2017. 2 wire technique for managing coronary perforation during TRI
- India Live 2017: taught at Fellows course `Tips and tricks or transradial interventions.`
- Invited lecture: India Live 2017
Topic: Trouble-shooting of complications during transradial interventions. - India Live 2016, 28 Feb . New Delhi. Invited faculty talk “ Practical tips for transradial access”
- 67th Annual conference of cardiology society of India, Feb 2016 ,.Invited faculty talk “PCI in Non-STE ACS-When & in whom”
- Faculty: AIM RADIAL at TRANSRADIAL MASTERCLASS,Liverpool, UK, Chair, Moderator, Speaker Invited faculty talk: ‘Pre-procedure ultrasound of arm to facilitate TRA’,Sept 17-18,2015
- Faculty, Slender Club Japan meet, April 10-12,2015.Live case commentator
- Invited Faculty: TransRadialMasterclass. Invited talk: Making TRA easy. Crewe Hall, UK. 2012.
- Invited Faculty: Transcatheter Therapeutics, San Fransisco, USA. Nov 2011.
- Invited Faculty: Annual Conference of Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions. Baltimore, USA. May 2011.
- Invited Faculty: TransRadialMasterclass. Rookeryhall, Cheshire, UK. Performed Live case transradial angioplasty via satellite from Gurgaon, India to UK. Nov 2011.
- Invited Faculty: TransRadialMasterclass. Rookeryhall, Cheshire, UK. Lecture. Nov 2010.
- Invited Lecture: Transradial Interventions: Dundee Medical School, UK 2005.
- Invited Lecture: Transradial Interventions: Northwest London Hospital, St Mary`s and Bart`s, UK. 2006.
- Invited Lecture: Transradial Interventions: Gallway Clinic, Ireland. 2006.
- Course Director: India Radial Blitz. Feb 2007, Sep 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 (World Radial Meets) at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi and at Apollo Hospital (2008). Performed Live Transradial PTCA.
- Teaching: Eighteen Radial courses taught in last ten years, including four international. (Indo-French, Hyderabad. 2005, 2006 and TRICO Ahmedabad. 2005-2012. Indo- Japanese Radial meet at Holy Family Mumbai 2006 and Transradial Live at Bombay Hospital.
- Invited Faculty: CAD Meeting. Mumbai. 2005.
- Invited Faculty AIMS Transradial meet 2008.
- Invited Faculty: National Annual Conference, Cardiological Society of India (CSI) for 8 years (2002-2012). Talks on Facilitated PCI, Will Transradial replace conventional PCI,Transradial PCI, Panellist for live cases (PCI).
- Invited Faculty: The 66th Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India, 2011.
- Invited Faculty: Mid-term interventional council meet of Cardiological Society of India Trivandrum. 2006. Ahmedabad, 2007. Moderated Interventional Case Presentations. Presented Teaching PCI Transradial Cases. 2010 and 2012.
- Talk: Left Main TRI: Tips and Tricks for Transradial Procedures. How to Overcome Anatomic Variations in TRA. Kolkata. 2013.
- Workshop: Performed live transradial PCI case at Bombay Hospital. 2005.
- Workshop: Live Case Coronary Transradial Angioplasty India Radial Blitz. 2007-2010, at Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi, KG’s Medical University, Lucknow, & Bikaner Medical College; 2008: Apollo Hospital, New Delhi; 2009-2011(Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi).
- Presented cases at Indo-European Angioplasty Workshop. UK. 2008.
- Teaching: Imperial School of Medicine, London.
- Teaching: MRCP Part II course as Faculty of the Post Graduate Medical Education Department of Northwickpark and St Mark’s Hospital.
- Teaching: Senior House Officers and post Graduate Trainees (Diplomate National Board of Examinations, Govt. of India) at the Northern Railway Central Hospital, New Delhi.
- Teaching: House Officers. St George’s Hospital Medical School, London.
- Teaching: Medical Students at Vancouver, University of British Columbia. 2001-02.
- Registrar: Northwest London Hospitals Middlesex, UK. 1997-1999.
- Training in Transradial Interventions. Clinique Pasteur, Toulouse Cedex, France. 1998.
- Mitral Commissurotomy, AVBD. Hospital Charles Nicolle, University of Rouen, France. 2000.
- Associate Faculty: Interventional Cardiology. Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, British Columbia
First Operator for Live cases
(Transradial angioplasty)
- Bombay Hospital Mumbai (Radial workshop organized by Bombay Hospital, Dr BK Goyal, 6th Nov,2005),
- Escorts Heart Institute (Radial Live2005-13), Apollo Hospital Delhi (Radial Live2008),
- RADIAL LIVE at Fortis (FMRI) Gurgaon (2013), Kalyani Heart Center, Gurgaon (2009-2013),
- TransRadial Masterclass UK (Live to UK ,2011),
- Live case 28June, 2014. BM Birla Hospital Kolkata (CSI East India Chapter; 2014 June),
- Mission hospital Durgapur Radial LIVE 2014; Slender radial workshop 2015-16.
- RADIAL LIVE 2018 at Jaipur national university hospital – performed world’s first 2 live distal radial angioplasty cases via right anatomical snuffbox.
- India Live 2019, Live Transradial angioplasty on 29th Feb at 8am.